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Ask a bus queue for their thoughts on contemporary art, and you’re liable to get salty answers.  This light-hearted tale is for them.

When Ben Banding’s quiet estuary town holds a modern art festival, the secretively brilliant painter comes up against art world supremo Oliver Rabson and life unravels for them both.

Take memorable characters, stir in art, sailing, mischievous humour and a pinch of romance.  Set in England’s beautiful Suffolk.  Result: a wry and compelling story that entertainingly relates what happens when the modern art circus descends on an unsophisticated little town.

Might it be satire?  Possibly.   An absorbing story as well?  You judge.

                    Is it a laugh at the expense of modern art?  Oh yes.

Readers’ Enthusiasm

“Please take note that I shall be reading it again and again for sheer pleasure.”                                                  

 “I’m not usually a reader of novels, but I found yours so engaging, refreshing and funny I really looked forward to the next chapter.”

“I stayed up half the night to find out what happened.”

“I already have a list of people who simply must read it”


   Irreverent, funny, and thought-provoking. 

The contemporary art world won’t want you to read it.


                                                                Alex Pankhurst

ISBN 978-0-9518133-2-4   £10.99

From bookshops & Amazon, or for tasters and ordering visit www.earlseyepublishing.co.uk

  Also available as an e-book.

Published 2012